A downloadable game

Lie of the storm - minimum of 4 players will take turns drawing cards based on Storms and Natural Disasters except for 1 card, the “Lie of the Storm” card. 

The player with the Lie of the Storm card is called the Liar of the Storm. Players with any other card than the Lie of the Storm are called Storm Chasers. 

All players are given 5 seconds to think, then must mime out an action to do with the card (the liar must impersonate another card) for 15 seconds. This must be done in silence, with no speaking or sound effects. At the end of each round, all players must vote one player out by pointing at somebody. The person with the most fingers pointing at them is out. Before the next round starts, all remaining players must vote to continue, using thumbs up or down.

 The game ends when players vote NOT to continue, or two players are left. The Lier of the Storm wins when two people are left, including them. The Storm Chasers win by voting out the imposter before two people are left.


•Zombies, Run - exergaming 

•Squid Game – adapt/update a childhood game (Chameleon)

•Captain Planet – environmental themes 

•‘A mime is a terrible thing to waste’ – game which uses mime


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awesome game !

i agree !